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2012 Bowman's Best

2012 Bowman's Best is a insert only set in 2012 Bowman
The insert rates are what the odds were of receiving from a 2012 Bowman pack (hobby) the Bowman's Best Die Cut were in Bowman Draft (hobby)

Bowman's Best (50 cards, 1:6 packs)
Bowman's Best Die Cut Refractor (50 cards, #'d 99, 1:? packs)(Bowman_
Bowman's Best Die Cut Refractor (60 cards, #'d 99, 1:288) (Bowman Draft)

Email me what you do have and I will respond, email is

Bowman's Best (BB Prefix)

Bowman's Best (BBP Prefix)

Bowman's Best Die Cut Refractors (BB Prefix)

Bowman's Best Die Cut Refractors (BBP Prefix)

Bowman Draft Bowman's Best Die Cut Refractors (BB Prefix) (you will have to send me player name and card number because the prefix is the same as above) (#'d 99)

I am not interested in any X-Fractor or Atomic Parallel cards.

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